Identity, branding, strategy and positioning for a modern and agile barrister law firm
Embracing the essence of modernity with heritage
Bright Line Law is a barrister law firm providing specialist advisory, advocacy, litigation, policy and strategic services in corporate and financial crime cases. Based on an innovative model, they are one of only a small number of barrister firms to provide legal services through a corporate entity (authorised by the Bar Standards Board), which includes Public Access and the right to conduct litigation.
Utilising a modern and agile approach, Bright Line Law became established to enable clients with direct access to specialist barrister services in a contemporary and commercially sensitive environment – combining the delivery of traditional legal activities such as representing clients in court, with the provision of consultancy services on broader issues involving corporate governance, policy, strategy, and training.
Defining a new brand strategy
We were engaged to develop a refreshed brand identity scheme that embraced the essence of modernity and heritage whilst representing Bright Line Law’s present position, as well as their future vision.
Our brand strategy built upon the firm’s strength of team, their experience and reputation as being the best within their field of practice, and ambitions for their development plans.
Their continued commitment to delivering excellence and reaching new markets (globally) determined our approach to creating a strong, confident and flexible visual language. We developed and refined every detail of the new identity and brand language, including all supporting deliverables, such as website, literature, social media and advertising.
Bright Line Law’s rebrand has a considered coherency to its tone of voice and visual language. It provides a clear positioning to how they communicate across all channels and the wider audience, and is positively set on a path for cohesive growth.
“We are delighted to be partnering with Roz, Nic and the Minx Creative team. Their approach is thoughtful and dynamic. Every step of the way, Minx has given the support and the space to reflect on where we see our business heading, what makes us tick and why we stand out.”
Anita Clifford
Barrister, Principal Associate
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Bright Line Law
Brand Identity, Print Design, Strategy, Web UI/UX & Build